What do you want to learn today?
What do you want to teach today?

Please complete the following form to request a lesson and we will contact members of our team - certified K-12 teachers - to fulfill your request


 * If you are NOT a member yet of My Education Room please register (FREE). Lessons may only be created for members. There are NO monthly fees (Pay-As-You-Go).

How does it work? Parents register themselves, login, then register their children within their dashboard.

* Please note that is up to our certified teachers to create the lesson and they are not under any obligation to do so. My Education Room can not be held responsible should no teacher fulfill the lesson request.

** Lessons with groups of students tend to have lower rates per hour than one-on-one sessions. So you may want to bid higher amounts (within your budget) for one-on-one sessions.


* First Name:
* Your Email Address:
* Lesson Category:
* What Specific Lesson Content Do You Wish To Learn?:
* Grade Level:
Teacher's Name
* Teacher requested
* Number of Students Taking Part in the Lesson?
Learning Disability (Optional):
* To empower certified teachers to prep for a lesson parents may opt to list their child's learning disability above (all information is considered confidential and only shared with certified teachers approached to provide educational assistance for the student)
* How Much You Are Willing To Pay (Per Hour) For This Lesson:
* Preferred Time Of Day:
* Which day(s) of the week would you prefer the lesson(s) take place?
Security Word
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