You should have an list of lobsters or swordfish

Is it possible to train on bandits already, or should I take a look at Giant spiders at the strength of Buy OSRS Gold the hold until 70 def before I shift to bandits? Sumona requires 85 combat and Smoking Kills which you SHOULD do If you’re into slayers.

Chaeldar needs 70 or more combat (i cant remember) plus access Zanaris. Black Mask can be easily obtained by GE for about 100k. This is required for the Full Slayer Helm so don’t see it as worth the money. Buy the 0-charged ones. I don’t pray when slaying because I’m not an effective slayer but maybe others know more.

Because ur f2p is a single handed weapon, you can’t range elvarg, the dragon. The one handed rng that is the weakest crossbow you can use in game. I’d suggest about 40 or more atk 40 or more str, and 33 def or more before taking it to the ground..

Doing this could get you killed since you aren’t able to use an anti-drag sheild (unless you use bronze bolts in conjunction with a regular crossbow), which i really would not advise. Maging it can be a disaster as i read tht it is a powerful magical of. At the said melee lvls the player will need a rune scimmy (40atk needed) as well as full adamant armour (30 def required) as well as an amulet made of str, and the str potion will help.. Additionally, you’ll need the anti drag sheild, since, without it, the elvarg is capable of causing up to 500 DMG.

Also, you should have an list of lobsters or swordfish. The swordfish is better in my opinion, but I killed Elvarg between 40-50 combat and only 3 Lobbies. This setup is only to prepare for RS 3 Gold the final boss fight against the dragon named elvarg. Another thing to note, being able to use 33 magic will help you save 10k gp for telegrabing a map piece instead of buying one from the goblin.

Asked on January 28, 2022 in Business.
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