They can be created at the same altar as Fire runes
Once you have reached level 14 Once you have reached level 14, you need to collect the rune/pure essences you have collected and head to RS Gold the Fire Altar which is located in the northern part in the Duel Arena. This is why you should purchase the Ring of Duelling which gives rapid teleports to the Duel Arena.
After you’ve made it from the area until the Altar and draw your runes you can teleport to Castle Wars with the same Ring. In the lobby room there is an item chest that allows you to store the work you’ve done and take clean essences for the next time you go. Craft Fire Runes for around 20 trips before you get to the level of 23.
At level 23 you unlock the ability to train Runecrafting through blend runes.They can be created at the same altar as Fire runes.This is located above Duel Arena (teleport with Rings of Duelling).To make, those games require Earth Talisman, Fire Tiara, Earth Runes, Pure Essences, in addition to a Binding Necklace.
As well as making the journey more efficient players can use Magic Imbue (82 Magic and Lunar Diplomacy) which allows you to craft Lava runes with no talisman. It’s also important to remember that the two largest Rune Pouches should be taken for the duration of time it takes to empty them is not enough for smaller ones.
To begin crafting, start by using Ring of Duelling and teleport to OSRS Accounts Castle Wars. Go to the chest nearby and take out Pure Essence. You can fill up both of your Rune pouches. Then, open the bank again to take out more Pure Essences to fill free slots in your inventory.