Still, I personally wouldn’t consider PvP using the current system

I’ve played PvP in the Beta. It’s pretty good. PvP is a thing in Live it’s a different matter. I’m not wealthy enough to afford to OSRS Gold replace any of my equipment, which is why I don’t usually go to the north. In addition, I don’t possess the herblore levels for overloads.

Still, I personally wouldn’t consider PvP using the current system of combat “dead combat” although it really is the subject of debate. I would agree that fighting almost all monsters that are not bosses in the current system is pretty boring, but it’s likely to remain this way.

EoC won’t make fighting non-boss monsters fun… It’ll make you use your capabilities. I’ve PvP’ed on live games and it’s great. In beta, I’m PvP’ing… This is the time to be a fan. Everyone gets Full Torva/Pernix/chaotics whatever.

However, no one ventures to the open, risking Torva as well as pernix. This means that you could achieve a single hit of a 4000 whilst pking in rune or something similar to a 4000, such as just stun them and hit them a handful of times. – they’ll die easily. I’m not planning on bothering playing PvP any more, which is a pity and unless of course I’m using OP’d-out swifts/goliaths.

I’ve read up on the guides for The Fight Kiln but I still have questions about it. If I don’t have any Augury/Rigour prayers are I on curses? If yes, then which gods should I split souls with, if? If I have dreadnips could be used on dills as well as deposit my pickaxe in a bank?

Is tanking the Jad’s Ganodermic legs and Buy RS Gold top doable or do I need to pray and switch/flinch? If I’m bringing 2 tort pouches as well as an unicorn pouch and scrolls, how do I substitute *** with the two? I’ll also be filling one of the torts with brews prior entering. Please answer my questions and give me any additional tips, its greatly appreciated.

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