So dont sit there and tell me didnt

So dont sit there and tell me didnt. The one thing you are suggesting is to throw up your hands and give up. Anything short of RuneScape Mobile gold having fresh runescape players and getting runescape players to return, will get runescape killed.That’s a single day average, random times you picked. In a time where content has been a bit light for osrs. It jumps up to all those high amounts. When people compare runescape player countsthey compare out of times. Osrs slowed before mobile and it exploded and continues to be steady.

Osrs numbers have been healthy. Saying phone has nothing to do with that is absurd. We get those massive peak occasions we were. Not. Getting. Before. Mobile. They had a ton of new accounts created. Rs runescape players have always come and gone. Now we’ve got a great deal of runescape players for school we have memberships and jump on here and there. We have these huge peaks consistently like we do. Osrs is far better off due to cellular and that is only a fact.

Numbers are better. Again, we dropped HALF our runescape playerbase in under 2 decades. Half. The past couple of years that did not happen at all to osrs. The exact opposite occurred. You have to be looking at more information across a longer period of time. Not only select a number out of a hat. Plus you picked was around a vacation were everyone is out partying for holloween. I was, so were. It’s was before holloween. Along with also a ton of my friends started playing with runescape again because of cellular. Both games actually.

Rs3 mobile is more likely to be a hit in the scene that is cell. It is a lot more appealing graphically and mechanically to people who have never heard of runescape. At face value it appears that the title. Plus its not such as new cellular runescape players will see MTx as a big deal. Runescape players coming back will, but jagex has claimed that major overhauls have been in the works.

You CLEARLY Havent. You cant take days. You need to look throughout that year at times. Of content updates effect runescape player count. Why does that matter? After cellular, we had greater runescape participant counts consistently of upgrades. You can not just pick and fastest way to earn money in runescape choose unique peak occasions that support your argument. Plus it doesnt validate it what so ever. You admitted the ramifications of large updates. That there hasnt been lots of the year at all. They attempted releasing a new skill but that didnt pass polling. Mobile retained those amounts regardless of updates. Something runescape didnt do before mobile. That matters. Why does this go over your mind?

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