Rsgoldfast – What caused this to occur
You could allow them to be used in PvP and RuneScape gold make the potions tradeable. An excellent point, however we would like the potions to provide benefits to players who have trained for the levels themselves. Since players who have been taught have a higher chance of being able to succeed in PvE, this remains true.
Do you have an issue with Max-hit or Hitpoints generally? Yes. Another reason that was considered was the possibility that weapons might hit an individual or get closer to this ability. This is a rare event, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to achieve. In relation to hitpoints and Max-hitting We will look at the issue in relation to changes in the combat system. We may also examine the defence ability.
What caused this to occur, and you have kept items such as dragon claws or AGS as they were? There is no doubt that some weapons with have special abilities that are more effective than other. Although we can only look at each case in depth, things like the claws are a regular part of the game. Again, as the claws/AGS are clearly linked to a combat statistic (Attack) they have no reason to be taken away. These items are also visible when someone holds them – whereas a boosted stat isn’t.
What’s next? I upgraded my Herbore level and certain advantages were removed! Fair enough. I am 99 Herblore and understand the loss. However we’ve decided to invest an additional time making changes to Herblore which doesn’t contradict the points/answers we’ve discussed above. Let’s look at if this thread could be utilized constructively to assist players get the best potions available in game. We’ll be watching this thread closely and would appreciate any ideas you have and let us know whether you’d prefer to sell it!
Here are some ideas I’ve thought of (no guarantees!) are potions that might give regeneration abilities over time, leech health for a specific amount of time (like half the damage you hit heals for a brief period of time), or maybe an ingredient that buy old school runescape gold could help prevent the death of a character…