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From there it is then possible that over time the bio ware will become less relevant and there might emerge some self sustaining, maybe conscious, global cyberlink. Where things go from there is impossible to say. There is also the other growing development where we can design up organisms. I would not be surprised if in a few decades there are bio kits which permit anyone with reasonable skill to design organisms to their wishes. This could of course include designing up some ghastly disease organism.
Every civilization has its knowledge keepers; those who are given the opportunity in society to record history and create institutional memory, who instruct the young in methods and processes that build social cohesion and civic engagement, and who are given the time to create new knowledge and creative expressions. In Western liberal democracies, that task has largely been entrusted to the public academe, an institution that can trace its roots back to 900 AD, but which now has a very forward orientation.
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