QoL changes and join RS3gold 900M free runescape gold free giveaway flash sale on Mar18


This week we will find the OSRS Qol Changes From the Re-run and Miscellaneous weeks of QoL month.The changes listed in this post wrap up everything that was polled in the Re-run week and includes some of the changes from the final QoL month: Miscellaneous. here are the main details as the followig decribing, and besides, if you need some rs gold you can come to RS3gold to buy runescape 3 gold to save money for yourself.
Special Attack Orb

Clicking on the Special attack data orb will now activate your special attack if you are wielding a weapon which has one. This change only applies to non PvP areas. A PvP area is defined as follows:

  • Duel Arena battle arena
  • PvP world outside safe zones
  • DMM outside Barbarian Assault games and random event zones
  • LMS
  • Castle Wars
  • TzHaar Fight Pit (the PvP one)
  • Clan Wars instanced battles
  • Clan Wars free-for-all arena
  • The Wilderness, not including the Wilderness Ditch buffer zone

Recolour god spell icons

The God spells found on the standard spellbook have been recoloured to match their relevant Gods.

GFX update to Xeric’s talisman

Xeric’s amulet both charged and uncharged have now been graphically updated. This update also affects the mounted version of the talisman in any player’s POH.

One-off payment on Saniboch

First come, first served! Hurry up to join RS3gold Spring Giveaway Time: There will be total 900M RS3 gold & 150M OSRS gold for free Giveaway on RS3gold.com activity page https://www.rs3gold.com/flash-sale with safe and fast delivery,It will begin at 03:00 a.m. GMT on March 18, 2019 Details:

1. Everybody snap up one portion of 18M RS3 gold or 3M OSRS gold.

2. You can’t exchage between OSRS gold and RS3 gold if you order successfully,

What’s more , you can use 8% off code”SDM8″for buying spring 2019 deadman gold .

You also can buy RS3 gold,RS 2007 gold and other products from https://www.rs3gold.com/rs3-gold on mobile.


And if you want to know about more news you can click here.



Asked on March 13, 2019 in Trades.
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