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“We all like to look good but it’s important to take a common sense approach to footwear,” she added. “High heels and flip flops are fine to wear occasionally but not all the time. For day to day wear you should opt for a well fitting round toed shoe with a heel height of around three centimeters.”
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You pose a question, but my answer is also a question(s) sort of anyways. A couple walks into a diner to eat lunch. They sit down, pick up the menus from the holder and begin to discuss options, their day, whatever and their hands briefly touch affectionately. The owner sees this, walk over and asks the couple to leave as their relationship is against his beliefs. I sure that most of us (who are not morons) would agree that the diner owner is discriminating against the couple. Or how about the bed that takes a reservation for a nice couple staying in one room. When the couple shows up the owner refuses to give them a room saying their relationship is against her beliefs. Most of us would also think that this is discrimination. Finally, a person walks into a cake shop to order a wedding cake. This person says she already knows what she wants for taste, has a sketch that the owner says is doable, they pencil in the date the cake is to be done on and the time that someone will be there to pick it up at, and how much it will cost. In walks the bride future spouse as the bride is finishing writing the deposit check. The owner balks and says that she can make the cake after all because their relationship is against her beliefs. Now why is this considered not discrimination to people? Well, what if I said the couples depicted here were of mixed race? Or somehow their religion was revealed to be different or they were atheist? Or some other dumb reason that caused the business to shun them? Would that be different?
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