Madden with the team I built every season

I mean it’s Madden nfl 20 coins great that there might be a few competitor with an NFL game for once. But it’s not they’re doing”more arcadey style” NFL games, they are ONLY allowed to do arcade mode. Because of the licensing, 2k isn’t permitted to do an NFL sim game…at the second. I’m not sure how true that statement is, although I did find someone mention that they could do something similar to MyPlayer manner, which could be cool. I understand they can do things more. And I hope enough men and women end up purchasing Madden to ensure EA is forced to place more effort to the growth of Madden.

The thing is there’s a lot of folks like me, who don’t have any desire to buy/play a NFL game. I play Madden solely for Franchise mode. I adore the group building/player advancement, playing realistic games and trying to break NFL recordings with current players and draft picks, taking my team to multiple playoff appearances and Superbowls, trying to win awards, etc.. I don’t care to play people MUT, Superstar KO, or any other mode. I enjoy getting to”play” GM and performing everything that comes with this and then getting to really play Madden with the team I built every season.

My primary hope is that enough people like the arcade design stuff then the NFL either decides to allow 2 companies to buy Madden 20 coins generate a Simulation style match and that the depth and detail that 2k has in their”franchise” (I think it’s called something else in 2k but can not recall as I have not played in a few months lol) in NBA is brought to the NFL world…OR that EA sees and really hears many people want a detailed, in depth, immersive franchise style very similar to 2k and that they incorporate it into Madden going. It is probably wishful thinking, but we will see.One that could send McAfee ballistic!

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