Is The Production Capacity Of Chinese Refrigerator Manufacturers “Small”?
China has been a country with vast land and abundant resources since ancient times. Whether it is land area, GDP or population, it is a big country in the world. But many people should know that most refrigerators in China are relatively small compared to foreign refrigerators. Even big size freezer cannot be compared with large foreign refrigerators. So why are foreign refrigerators much larger than ours?
First of all, it must be eating habits. Unlike China, most Western countries focus on balanced nutrition. Daily intake of a certain amount of calories, vitamins, etc., while most parts of our country pay attention to color, aroma and taste. Chinese people pay great attention to diet, and diet is the most important thing. This sentence is not useless. Foreign countries like to order a variety of vegetables, meat and bread, while the Chinese are more sophisticated and like to use ingredients to satisfy their taste buds. Therefore, in this regard, although the Chinese have a certain demand for refrigerator capacity, they still cannot match it. There is a great demand for refrigerator capacity abroad. Moreover, compared with capacity, the Chinese will pay more attention to protection effects and energy saving instead of blindly pursuing capacity.
The second point is travel conditions. Due to the long travel distance, foreign countries need to store food for more than three days, travel is convenient and can accommodate more food, so a large capacity refrigerator is needed. In China, because the travel distance is relatively short, and the dishes are hardly sampled every day, the travel tools are relatively simple, so the requirements for the capacity of the refrigerator are not very high.
Therefore, the internal capacity of refrigerators we see in china refrigerator manufacturer or factory will hardly be too large. Even large refrigerators have a slightly larger capacity than ordinary refrigerators.