They’ll get all the features they require
They’ll get all the features they require from a class which does more damage per square inch. In addition to being the number 1 pick for the game of pvp, it leaves plenty of rogues able to pvp but not in a position to WOW Classic TBC Gold pve. Which sucks because a rogues bis-pvp gear will require a LOT of pve gear, meaning if you are not “the guild rogue who is setup to receive warglaives” you’ll find it difficult to pvp to the same extent, since everyone is going to be out with gear that you.
The moment is now it is possible for a mage aged 70 to push a button and gain the pve. If they haven’t mastered dps yet, he or she can compete with a geared wizard in dps. Along with water and food for your team, a buff is also suggested. Aoe is a must.
We’re decent in terms of DPS but we’re not contributing much to the team. No AOE, b+ tier damage, no buffs. If you only have one or cheap WOW TBC Gold two slots, don’t bring them. They share plenty of loot with two classes that bring items to the group.