As someone with a full bis Rogue alt farming bis gear
As someone with a full bis Rogue alt farming bis gear was difficult. My mage was 50% when I hit 70. It’s simple to build theĀ WOW TBC Gold right gear for your needs. Kara is almost entirely equipped with identical items, and my mage didn’t have to use gear from Prince as I reached the age of 70. Rogue is also brutal to raid compared to my mage and Shaman. It’s much more easy to attack with bolts, and does far less damage than the uptime and cooldowns. as well as the energy management between ea and DPS.
There is not much left and there’s the meme “rogues and garbage” people take to heart. In all my dungeons, I am competing for the top the dps. There’s one aspect of content that we’re not at a disadvantage and every player slanders rogues.
They also have a difficult time getting into raid because raids only ever want 1 If they have enough physical dps to support it. And even if they get into the game, they have to spec armor that is better exposed, basically being brought in for a buff they must spec to. This means you’ll have to spec each when you wish to raid or pvp.
They’ll get all the features they require from a different class that deals more damage per square inch. This is the best choice for pvp. This leaves many rogues out of the pvp game, but able to play pve. This is because rogues bis pvp weapon requires a LOT of pve gear so if you’re not “the guild rogue equipped to obtain warglaives” you’ll find it difficult to pvp and also because everyone else will be able to use the gear you.
At the moment , a 70-level mage can press 1 button and if they’re not able to do dps or even compete with a geared rogue in dps. Alongside water and food for the group, a buff is also suggested. Aoe is a must.
We’re doing a decent job of DPS but we aren’t bringing much to the group. No AOE, b+ tier damage, no buffs. If you only have some slots Don’t bring them. They share plenty of loot in two classes, who contribute items to the group.
Idk why ppl say its hard to be a rogue , and be invited to join groups. I was a rogue, and I managed to form my own groups. If you cant get invited to any then its time to form your own group. You can pick the gear you’d like to use and invite only people who don’t require it. This is oneĀ cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold of the advantages of creating your own groups. I was able full bis because I invited people who did not require leather equipment.