We arrived at Jagex on Thursday morning
I will not publish names until I have spoken with the players. The other players were very nice and RS gold we enjoyed spending the weekend with them.
We arrived at Jagex on Thursday morning. We were allowed in by Jagex not only did they allow us to get into the building, but also because they had invited us. (okay just because they invited us, but they will not allow people to enter if they just arrive). They welcomed us into their breakroom and served us snacks. We then completed the formalities like introductions, signing an Non Disclosure Agreement, and receiving information about the weekend. Andrew Gower, Mark Gerhard and I accompanied the group for lunch.
After lunch, we went back to Jagex which is a place of mystery and magic. There, they took us to a guided tour of each department. That was great. It was wonderful that there were a couple of people within each department who would take the time to explain what their department was doing and buy OSRS gold the reasons behind it.