What are the classifications of nylon fabrics?
The broad categories of nylon include staple fibers, drawn yarns, textured yarns, decorative filaments, industrial filaments, and various differentiated fibers.
Nylon staple fiber
1. According to physical properties: high-strength low-extension type, medium-strength medium-extension type, low-strength medium-extension type, high-modulus type, high-strength high-modulus type
2. Differentiate according to post-processing requirements: cotton type, wool type, *** type, silk type
3. Classification by use: clothing, cotton, decoration, industrial
4. Divided by function: cationic dyeable, moisture-absorbing, flame-retardant, colored, anti-pilling, anti-static
5. Distinguish by fiber cross section: profiled wire, hollow wire.
Nylon filament
1. Primary yarn: undrawn yarn (conventional spinning) (UDY), semi-pre-oriented yarn (medium-speed spinning) (MOY), pre-oriented yarn (high-speed spinning) (POY), highly oriented yarn (ultra-high speed) Spinning) (HOY)
2. Drawing yarn: drawn yarn (low-speed drawing yarn) (DY), fully drawn yarn (spinning and drawing one-step method) (FDY), full-fetching yarn (spinning one-step method) (FOY)
3. Textured yarn: conventional textured yarn (TY), stretch textured yarn (DTY), air textured yarn (ATY).
For more product information, please click here: lightweight nlyoon fabric.