vacuum pump cooling conditions

vacuum pump cooling conditions

The cooling of vacuum pump helps the efficient use of the equipment, but its cooling should be under certain conditions. The following is the relevant introduction.

1. As for the medium with temperature lower than 120 ℃, generally no special cooling system is set up, and the medium of vacuum pump itself is mostly used for smoothing and cooling. The suspension structure can be selected to make the upper limit of temperature reach 140 ℃ ~ 160 ℃. It is worth mentioning that the medium easy to crystallize or rich in particles should be equipped with a sealing surface flushing pipeline (interfaces are generally reserved in the design).

2. As for the medium above 120 ℃ and within 300 ℃, generally, the vacuum pump cover shall be equipped with a cooling chamber, and the sealing chamber shall also be connected with the coolant. When the coolant is not allowed to *** into the medium, the medium itself shall be connected after cooling (it can be completed through a simple heat exchanger).

To cool the vacuum pump, it is necessary to cool it according to the temperature of the medium, and pay attention to the correct method.



Asked on January 9, 2020 in French.
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