Booster pump

Booster pump

Roots vacuum pump (hereinafter referred to as roots pump) is a kind of variable volume vacuum pump, which is equipped with two blade rotors rotating synchronously in opposite directions, and there is a small gap between the rotors, between the rotors and the inner wall of the pump shell, but they do not contact each other.

Roots vacuum pump has been tested for a long time in petroleum, chemical, plastic, pesticide, turbine rotor dynamic balance, aerospace space simulation and other devices, so it should be vigorously promoted and applied in China. At the same time, it is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile and other industries. Vacuum pump accessories for vacuum pump noise control, vacuum pump muffler.

The features of Roots vacuum pump are: quick start, low power consumption, low operation and maintenance cost, large pumping speed and high efficiency. It is not sensitive to a small amount of water vapor and dust contained in the extracted gas. It has a large pumping speed within the pressure range of 100-1 PA, and can quickly remove the suddenly released gas. This pressure range is just between the oil sealed mechanical vacuum pump and the diffusion pump. Therefore, it is often connected in series between the diffusion pump and the oil sealed mechanical vacuum pump, which is used to improve the pumping capacity of the intermediate pressure range. At this time it is also known as a mechanical booster pump.



Asked on November 13, 2019 in Fine Arts.
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